Reasons to Own at The Reef

Reason #1:

Improve your lifestyle!

Owning your own home on a stress free Caribbean beach can increase your quality of life immensely, not to mention your lifespan!

Reason #2:

Cost savings!

Did you know that owning a luxurious tiny home on a spectacular tropical Caribbean beach can cost less than buying a new luxury car? And not only is the cost to buy the home very low, but the cost of ownership in an eco-sensible solar powered home is minimal as well. And to top it all off, the cost of living in the area is extremely low as well. So you can live like a King or Queen on a very small budget!

Reason #3:

A “Plan B” escape.

Own your own “landing pad” away from the stress of everyday life, pressure from local government restrictions, or just to have a place in your back pocket should you feel the need to get away for a while!

Reason #4:

Great rental revenue investment!

We know you’ll want to live in your new tropical home 365 days a year! But sometimes you may decide to visit your family or friends or explore the beautiful region you live in. During those times you can easily rent your home at a great nightly rate and at a high occupancy rate! Which means not only is your home covering your cost of ownership, it’s actually making you money while you enjoy travelling, etc. Or use the home purely as a revenue generating investment but it’s always there when you need a break as well!

Reason #5:

Diversify your portfolio.

Investing outside your home country is a very prudent strategy. While the economy in your region may be experiencing ups and downs or unusual inflation, other areas of the world can have opposite economic trends, making your investment portfolio much more well rounded.

Reason #6:

Be around like-minded people!

In today’s divisive world, sometimes it’s just nice to be able to say what you want and be surrounded with people that don’t condemn you for it. The world of censorship, cancel culture and divisive politics has not hit Central America. You’re still free to be yourself here and enjoy each day without biting your tongue.

Reason #7:

An amazing climate!

Enjoy tropical weather every day of the year! Your skin will improve, your joints will feel better, and you’ll never have to wear anything but shorts and t-shirts!

Join us as neighbors in The Reef community. I’m sure you can think of more reasons why you would want to own at The Reef too! We’ll have your beach lounge chair and a margarita waiting for you!